Friday, April 30, 2010

Excuse Me

As I sit here at my parents kitchen table, eating the last morsel of frozen yogurt thanks to my father. Who i mind you, sits at the table with the full container, with a fork in hand and breathes in the icy creamy goodness. Then leaves a spoonful left for the rest of us. I begin to wonder.....what has happened to societies politeness.

The thought has came across my mind many times before this time i assure you. So naturally if one thinks about something as often as this, you would think i would do something about it......

Let me first give you the example so that we are all on the same page.
I was in Walmart last week, and i was down the oatmeal isle deciding on what goopy delicious mess to get for Abby that week (as she loves the stuff). As i was deciding, a woman behind me decided to sit....and glare.....and wait....and then huff about WAITING for me to move.

Now I'm sure all of you have been in a Walmart. Especially those that are newer....and we all know that the size of the Isles are HUGE. So why this woman didn't go around me, is beyond me, but a simple "excuse me, may i squeeze by you" would have sufficed, rather then the glaring and huffing about.

I mean really?? Has the world come to this point where no one shows any emotions or common courtesy to their fellow shopper? I mean it wasn't even boxing day and elbows flying and such. This was a regular day, and the nerve of this woman to freak out as she did was appalling.

Now, you would think, OK well this was only one incident Katherine. Really common now. The world isn't like that.
Since that day i have secretly been keeping my ears open for some sort of excuse me, or pardon me. How many have i heard......SIX! I BS YOU NOT.....SIX!

So in the crazy amounts of people who go into food basics, walmart, metro ANYWHERE, only 6 of these people had brains. The other percentage of people did the exact opposite:

- huffed
- glared
- WHISPERED to the person they were with
- made a disgusted look on their face
- sat there stupidly

Am i insane? I don't think so. I think I'm a very well mannered woman, and i have my parents to thank for that. But it blows me away the number of people who do not say "excuse me" if they would like to get by you.

To tie in from the beginning of this rant, what i plan to do about it, is simply this. The next time I am in a store, and someone does this to me I am going to go APE SHIT on them..........OK well no. But i'm certianly going to express the need for an excuse me......that story to follow.

The moral of this blog: LEARN YOUR P's and Q's Hamilton! You would be surprised how far they will take you.

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